Patient Information

What is a Patient Portal?
A patient portal is a secure online website that allows patients to view their personal health information with convenient, 24-hour access from anywhere with an Internet connection. It utilizes a unique username and password to help keep information secure and meets all compliance requirements outlined by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) of 1996.
Kresloff Eye Associates Patient Portal
Kresloff Eye Associates went from paper to electronic records on September 1, 2015. One of the exciting things about this transition is that it allows our patients to have an ophthalmology patient portal. Your portal is easy to set up and use by following the instructions below.
It is important that you enter your demographic and medical history information on the portal before your first visit to our new electronic office – even if you have been to the office many times before. The best way to tell if you were here before our electronic transition is if you don’t remember your doctor using a computer in the exam room. After your first electronic visit, only your demographic information should be updated, not your medical history. On all visits, please bring a list of all of your medications, vitamins and supplements, including dose and frequency.
Login Instructions to Access the Portal:
STEP 1: Go to or click this link: to access our secure patient portal.
STEP 2: From the home page, under “Don’t have an Account?” click the “Create an account” link at the right-hand side of the screen.
NOTE: Even if you have a pre-existing portal account (that is not specifically with, you will still need to create a new account
STEP 3: Fill in all Sign-In information in the provided fields and create a unique password for the account. The First/Last name, Date of Birth, and Zip Code you enter must match the patient record in the system.
Our Practice ID is: CZXGYK and the Security Code was provided to you by our office.
Security Code: ____________________
Please call our office at (856) 854-4242 if you did not receive one.
NOTE: The password must be at least 8 characters long and MUST contain at least one capitalized letter, one lower case letter, one digit, and one special character.
STEP 4: Read the full “Terms & Conditions” and click the acceptance checkbox. Click “Register.”
STEP 5: Select three Security Questions from the dropdown menus, input appropriate answers, and submit. Then click the Continue button.
NOTE: Security questions cannot be changed once submitted as your answers will be used to reset your password just in case you happen to forget it.
STEP 6: Patient Dashboard will appear. From here, you can access tools and information via your secure patient portal.
STEP 7: Click the drop down tab labeled ‘myDocuments’ and click on the ‘Forms’ option.
STEP 8: Fill out the electronic forms. These are the forms that are required for your visit.
NOTE: If you are new to our practice, select ‘Start New Patient Online Form’. If you are an established patient, then select ‘Start Established Patient Online Form.’
Completing these forms prior to your appointment will allow us to serve you better!
Please rest assured that all information provided is kept confidential, secure, and HIPAA compliant.
Please call the office at (856) 854-4242 if you have any questions.