COVID-19 Policy
COVID-19 has re-defined how we can safely interact with others. Your safety and well-being are our top priority. We have worked very hard to understand how to provide safe, excellent care in a COVID-19 world. After careful study, we have instituted safety protocols with layered protections.
The safety precautions we have put into place to protect you are based on recommendations from the CDC (Centers for Disease Control), the WHO (World Health Organization) and the AAO (American Academy of Ophthalmology) and include:

- All doctors and staff are wearing masks at all times that completely covers their nose and mouth.
- All patients must wear a mask or facial covering that completely covers their nose and mouth at all times when inside the building.
- All patients are asked screening questions to assess their risk before arriving for an appointment.
- All patients must pass a temperature screening upon entering the office before notifying the front desk they have arrived.
- All patients who pass the screening questions and temperature check must sanitize their hands with the provided hand sanitizer.
- Most of the check-in process is being handled remotely by phone before entering the office.
- After the doctor’s exam, he or she can call you from a separate room to discuss your exam, if you prefer, to shorten the time you spend in the room with the doctor.
- All patients are being asked to wait in their cars after notifying the front desk of their arrival, in an effort to keep the waiting room clear and maintain social distancing.
- There are multiple visual aids present to aid in social distancing, mask wearing & overall safety by providing a constant reminder.
- Patients are brought directly back to their exam room without stopping in the waiting room.
- Patients who have their pupils dilated remain in the exam room to dilate without going into the waiting room.
- Every room is thoroughly sanitized with isopropyl alcohol before and after every patient enters.
- All surfaces are routinely sanitized with isopropyl alcohol every 15 minutes.
- There are large breath shield dividers at the front desk, the optical department and on the equipment including the microscopes in the exam rooms.
- We have incorporated telemedicine visits into our practice for evaluations from your home or wherever you may be, when appropriate.
- We are not allowing guests into the office, except for minors or those requiring assistance.
- Fewer doctors are working simultaneously & the doctors have a lighter, more staggered schedule than before the crisis.
- We are carefully staying abreast of state and federal political & scientific requirements & findings on a daily basis, will adjust our policies accordingly and will ensure our staff stay well trained.
- If you have any questions at all, please call us at 856-854-4242.